10 Easy Ways to Blossom Where You are Now

 “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”                                                                                                    --------Anais Nin


The wonderful season of spring shows us the blooming and blossoming of the world around us: the tree’s leaves show themselves again and the colorful flowers: daffodils, pansies, tulips, lilacs and more, show their gorgeous faces to us.

It’s also the time of warmth, sunshine, creativity and love. The blossoming of the earth and nature reminds us that we too, must blossom and show our unique and amazing faces to the world.


It may seem that you were sleeping, hibernating and resting for a while and now you’re ready to come out and play. It may have been for just the winter or for a longer time….many winters. This may have been the time you needed to understand yourself, prepare yourself for the next step, heal (from trauma, hurt, loss) and learn enough about yourself to become aware of and accept the true and authentic you and to have the courage to express and live it.

It doesn’t matter if it’s taken you months, years or even, decades, to be ready to blossom. It doesn’t matter your age or stage of life. You’re ready…………


The Meaning of Blossoming:


Blossoming is when a flower bud opens up. Used figuratively, this term means reaching your optimal state.

When a person is just about ready to blossom; this is usually the point when a client connects with me, as a Life & Mindset Coach/Hypnotist and I love seeing them ready to take steps to be their greatest selves. It takes courage, commitment and consistency for a client to take this step and it’s exciting and so fulfilling to see their transformation into who they were born to and are meant to be.

We may have been through great challenges, struggle, trauma, etc., before making the decision to, step by step, seed, sprout and then blossom into the powerful, and fabulous humans we are meant to be.

Yes, our doubts, fears, lack of confidence and lack of self-esteem may have undermined our ability to bloom. We can walk through these, often with the help, affirmation and trust of a partner (ie: coach  therapist, other professional…). In a safe and trusting partnership, we can learn how to understand and deepen our belief in ourselves and to become vulnerable enough to be able to express all of us….

Often, we try to figure things out with our conscious mind alone. This is all well and good but to really change, it’s essential to excavate those subconscious beliefs and thought patterns that are really steering our lives.

In other words, you can’t change your thinking by more thinking. You must connect to a deeper part of yourself (subconscious) and to the emotions often stuck in your body. Then, you can do the work of changing unhelpful and limiting thought patterns and habits and get re-acquainted to the real you. You know, in your gut, that it’s time to align with who you, authentically, are.


We can learn how to trust in our gut, heart and our choices and to learn from them, too. We can learn how to feel ALL our feelings: what we call the good, the bad and the ugly, not just bury them, ignore them, deny them or even, dissociate from them. This gives us the strength, self-confidence and resilience we need to move forward and to, eventually blossom into the fullness and wholeness of who we are.

There is nothing more spectacular than learning how to trust: yourself, the universe and your ability to be challenged and vulnerable, and still thrive and blossom.  No one escapes the challenges of life, some more than others. Whatever your thoughts, beliefs and life circumstances have been up to this point, they have allowed you to get the experience and to start to put the pieces together, to get you to the point of the whole and full you, the one who is here to be, give or do something unique and special.

When you become the healthy, whole you, you give others permission to do the same; to rip off the masks they have used in their lives and to allow their outer and inner selves to match up. This is quite a gift to give to others, yourself and the world. Thank you!



Whether your blossoming is in a small way or a big way, it’s essential to center, quiet yourself and give yourself the attention you need to reflect on and write down the answers to the following questions:


1)What’s ready to blossom in your life; personally and/or professionally?


2)What benefits will you and those around you gain when you allow yourself to blossom?


3)How can you develop and cultivate the confidence, courage and self-love needed to blossom, no matter what your circumstances and age?


4)How/where can you find the help or partnership needed to start or continue on your journey of self-discovery, increased authenticity and taking the action steps necessary to move forward?


5)What do you want to feel, believe and experience in your body, brain/mind and spirit?


Here are 10 Easy ways to BLOSSOM where you are now:


1)Make your home your refuge, no matter the size or state. Make it beautiful, whatever this means to you, even if it’s just one room at a time.

2)Seek out social groups: ie: meetups, Hank, and other groups. And if you’re in a place where these are lacking, start one of your own.

3)Look for arts and culture. It’s important to nourish your creative spirit. Look out for lectures, concerts, festivals, courses…

4)If you’re in a job or work and are staying there, whether by choice or by necessity, make it more enjoyable. It can be as simple as making a good, healthy snack for a break or putting flowers on your desk.

5)Get out there and get physical. Whether it’s dance, tai chi outdoors, pickleball or just taking a nice walk, get out into nature (healing) and move your body. This will affect your mind and your mood…for the better!

6)Begin to explore hobbies. Even if you don’t have much time, start looking for and doing things that give you joy and pleasure. Often, these can give you a hint to your purpose, passions and priorities.

7)Invest in your relationships: friendships, intimate, family, work colleagues and friends.

8)Have gratitude….. even and especially for the things you think are the little things.

9)Take care of what you do have.

10)Start off your day with a good ‘morning routine,’ to get the emotional, mental, physical and even, spiritual parts of you on the right track for the day!


It’s time to bloom, grow and blossom, as flowers and plants do, from the inside out and to grow and develop in a fulfilling and meaningful way.  It’s time to reach your potential and become the highest and best version of yourself. This may involve personal growth, healing, achieving your goals and finding and expressing your particular purpose. Actually, part of your purpose is to blossom to your fullest potential.

You can bloom and blossom gradually, step by step, or quickly. It’s all about your progress.

Remember that ‘practice makes progress,’ not perfect……..


How exciting, thrilling and loving (to yourself and for others)  to start or continue on your journey of blooming and blossoming in your life! This adventure and journey take courage, and commitment and the desire to experience and live your fullest potential and the best version of the real you. I look forward to meeting you.


With smiles & love,

Dr Gigi


PS: BOOK your free Clarity Call @www.gigiarnaud.com


Enjoy spring and the beauty of blossoming!